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Community engagement

To ensure the safe delivery of offshore construction work, bp implements a local communications and engagement plan to reach the fishing communities in Saint-Louis and N’diago.


Regular updates on offshore works schedules and vessels are provided through a variety of communications channels. Radio announcements, posters, leaflets, WhatsApp messages and targeted meetings are used to keep the community informed on the progress of work and the safety measures to be taken. 


Social Investment

As a result of community consultation and engagement, bp on behalf of GTA  Project partners has launched social investment programmes in the areas of economic development, environment, education and community health. 


Our social investment activities aim to promote sustainable social, economic and environmental development with the impacted communities in both Mauritania and Senegal and create local opportunities and enhance quality of life.

You can read about our social investment activities here. 

Sponsorships and donations

Alongside the social investment programs, bp sponsors some of the local events and supports the community in Saint Louis with donations to support vulnerable members of the community.
Saint Louis Regatta,